Thursday, March 31, 2016

日本語をならいましょう! Learn Japanese this Fall!

As a free-lance muralist and decorative painter since 1976, 
I subsequently decided to major in English and Japanese. This emphasis, along with living and teaching in
the USA, Japan and South Korea, has added words to the art and music I've loved for so many years. 
Along with teaching English,
I've had the pleasure of tutoring students in the Japanese language for 2 1/2 years.
By working daily with dozens of students
who are learning Japanese for the first time,
ideas for how to introduce this old and beautiful language,
 in a more fun and intuitive way, have evolved. 
Details about each class are in developmental stages, 
but they'll include ひらがな & カタカナ learning pages; 
traditional songs and stories in Japanese and about Japan;
food tasting; art and paper folding; skits; dialoguing, &
a culminating group presentation of an original story in Japanese.
At the conclusion of each semester
group classes will share a presentation, food and creations with friends and family.
Classes will be available for Home Schoolers, preschools,
individuals and small groups of all ages, 
beginning in the Fall of this year, 2016.
More information will be available in additional blogs,
as well as at the National Homeschooling Convention
here in Logan, Utah, July 28-29th!
Learn, think, and express yourself Creatively!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Summer Art Classes on the Horizon!


Children are born with innate creativity inside.  We watch them explore, invent and see the world in ways we've never imagined, or simply forgotten.  To help your kids explore their potential, see what and which styles & art mediums "speak" to them, each class at Logan, Utah's Hobby Lobby this summer will offer a different application technique, surface to create on and subject matter.  
This will be a drawing, painting, pasting, ripping...make and take art projects class for kids this summer.
As I visit with parents, shop around for and dig through my on-hand supplies, prices for the classes and more specifics on projects will follow! "Like" and "Comment" on my Facebook page: Artwork by Joanna; or email 
to be alerted when & where registration will begin!
But what about grown-ups and teens who like to DIY?

There's a class for you! Ages 13 and above 
can enroll in classes at Logan's Hobby Lobby 
on Wednesdays or Thursdays, beginning June 8th. 
You can pick either day, from 2-3:30 pm.
Want to go when someone's home to watch your little ones, 
or after work? Thursday evenings 7-8:30 pm are for you! 

All classes will be priced to include supplies 
and enrollment will be limited for maximum productivity.

Note: This class includes onsite participation opps!

"Follow" this blog and email to get on my mailing list! Then stay tuned for pricing, class specifics and registration dates & locations!